Halfway through our first year!

Time has just flown by since you arrived! You are a few days shy of 7 months old and even though I feel like you've just been born, I can't make sense of how you are this big already. You are a chunky little sweetheart, at your 6-month doctor visit you measured in the 85th percentile, the size of an average 9-month old. You have been slowly introduced to solids but they are not very interesting for you yet, I have videos of you gaging and spitting out almost every new food you have tried. At this time, the only safe food is mashed up bananas and your regular baby formula. You have also started sitting on your own for longer periods of time, and still haven't found out how to roll from stomach to back, so you wail until someone comes to rescue you. You give quick smiles to everyone you know, and usually a loud excited screech for Emmett, but you have yet to give anyone that belly laugh we have all been waiting for. Maybe you're holding out for a truly special moment? Y...