Welcome to the world!

Hi Ellie Bee! You are less than 2 days away from turning 1 month old and even though I am on maternity leave form work, you have kept me quite busy (and so have your brothers) so that every time I try to sit and write something, I get called away or side-tracked. The only reason I'm writing this now is because I impulsively purchased a laptop just so that I could use it in bed and not have to be suck at the desk downstairs. So far you have been an easy baby, the first week of your life I was worried because you hardly cried and it felt like all you wanted to do was sleep. You slept for 4-hour stretches at a time (as opposed to your brothers who ate every 2 hours around the clock) and sometimes had to be woken up for your next bottle. You surprised me, however, because at your 1-week doctor appointment you were already weighing exactly what you weighed at birth, 7 pounds 11 ounces. The general goal is to be back at birth weight by 2 weeks old, so it's great that you wer...